To work through the tutorial, we require Apache Ivy, Ant and IvyDE, and this chapter covers installation of software.

SoftwareVersionSize (approximate)
Apache Ivy2.21 MB
Apache Ant1.8.28 MB
IvyDE Eclipse Plugin8 MB

Apache Ant and Apache Ivy Installation

We require Apache Ant and Apache Ivy to work through the tutorial. Download latest distribution of Apache Ivy and Ant from Apache site. In case Ant is already installed in your system, ignore the its installation commands. Following commands installs Apache Ant at /opt/ant, but any other location is perfectly fine. Adjust settings accordingly.

tar -C /opt/ant/ -xzvf apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz
tar -xzvf apache-ivy-2.2.0-bin-with-deps.tar.gz
cp apache-ivy-2.2.0/ivy-2.2.0.jar /opt/ant/apache-ant-1.8.2/lib
export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant/apache-ant-1.8.2
export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin

Environment variables ANT_HOME and PATH are essential to run Ant. These exports may be moved to .bash_profile in Linux so that they are always set when you login.

Work Dir

Throughout the tutorial, we use a work directory to run Apache Ivy examples, This directory is some location like $HOME/work, but you are free to choose any other location. We will be using phrases like “create a file in work dir”, “add a ivy.xml to workdir” and “run from work dir” etc., which simply means do that in the work directory.

Test the Apache Ivy installation

To test the Ant and Apache Ivy installation, add following build.xml file to work dir.


<project name="test ivy" default="test" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
  <target name="test" description="Test ivy installation">
     <ivy:settings />

and run Ant.


Successful build indicates that ant and ivy installation is fine.

Build Error

Typical error installation error is

build.xml:5: Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant:settings

check the following to resolve this

  • environment variable ANT_HOME is not set properly

  • ivy.jar is missing from ANT_HOME/lib


Install IvyDE Eclipse Plugin

IvyDE Plugin for Eclipse integrates Apache Ivy with Eclipse IDE. From IvyDE Plugin for Eclipse onwards we use the IvyDE plugin to enable dependency management of Eclipse projects. Install IvyDE using one of the following installation methods.

Update Site : To install IvyDE, start Eclipse and go to HelpInstall New Software … and it displays the Available Softwares window. In Work with text box, enter IvyDE update site and click Add and then in Add Repository window click OK. It displays the following plugins.

  • Apache Ivy library

  • Apache IvyDE Eclipse plugin

Select both and proceed. This will install Apache Ivy, Ivy Ant Tasks and IvyDE.


Manual Installation : This method involves the installation of two plugins - IvyDE and Apache Ivy plugins.

IvyDE Plugin : This plugin links core Ivy to Eclipse. Download the IvyDE plugin from For Eclipse Indigo download apache-ivyde- and uncompress. to get two folders containing the artifacts to deploy. Copy the plugin and features to Eclipse installation directory as follows:

  • plugins/org.apache.ivyde.eclipse_2.1.0.201008101807-RELEASE.jar to $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins

  • features/org.apache.ivyde.feature_2.1.0.201008101807-RELEASE.jar to $ECLIPSE_HOME/features

Apache Ivy Plugin : This plugin contains core Apache Ivy and Ant Tasks. Get the latest Ivy feature and plugin from following sites

For Eclipse Indigo download and copy them to your eclipse installation directory as follows

  • org.apache.ivy_2.2.0.final_20100923230623.jar to $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugin

  • org.apache.ivy.eclipse.ant_2.2.0.final_20100923230623.jar to $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugin

  • org.apache.ivy.feature_2.2.0.final_20100923230623.jar to $ECLIPSE_HOME/features

After installation, restart Eclipse and menu bar should show the Resolve button of IvyDE.

Apache Ivy Tutorial - Chapter Apache Ivy and IvyDE Installation

With these installations we are ready to Automate the dependency management with Apache Ivy.