Scoopi Installation and Quick Start

The easiest way to get start with Scoopi is to pull the image from DockerHub and run it straight away. Scoopi docker image comes pre-configured with JRE 8. In case, you are not using Docker then download the release from GitHub. We explain both the options here.

Install Scoopi from Docker Image

Scoopi releases are available as docker image from DockerHub. To run the image you need Docker installed in the system. The total download size of Scoopi docker image is about 120MB. The following command downloads Scoopi image, creates and run container named scoopi.

docker run --name scoopi codetab/scoopi

It executes quick-start example which outputs single record to an output file. However, we will not be able to view the output file nor modify the conf files as they are within the container. We need to externalize these folders with following commands.

mkdir scoopi
cd scoopi
docker cp scoopi:/scoopi/conf .
docker cp scoopi:/scoopi/output .
docker cp scoopi:/scoopi/docker .
docker cp scoopi:/scoopi/defs .
docker cp scoopi:/scoopi/logs .

Here, we make a folder named scoopi and then copy conf, output, docker, defs and logs folders from the container to the scoopi folder. Now, we can modify conf, def files and also, view the output file without login into the container. Next, remove the container as we are going to recreate it with a new set of parameters.

docker rm scoopi

Let’s run example 10 to output more data. To do that, edit conf/ file and change defs directory property as scoopi.defs.dir=/defs/examples/fin/jsoup/ex-10 and run scoopi with following docker command.

docker run --name scoopi --rm -p 9010:9010 -v "$PWD"/defs:/scoopi/defs -v "$PWD"/conf:/scoopi/conf -v "$PWD"/output:/scoopi/output codetab/scoopi

Above command mounts externalized folders using -v option. When container run, it uses definitions from jsoup/ex-10. On completion, we should have a new data.txt file in the output folder with 281 lines of data.

Scoopi comes with a nice Angular dashboard which displays internal metrics of the app and it can be accessed via http://localhost:9010 while Scoopi is running.

Install Scoopi from GitHub

In case your are not using docker, then install Scoopi either by downloading the release package which contains all dependencies or by building the source code with Maven. To run Scoopi, you need to install JRE 8 or above.

Download and install the Release package

Download the latest release zip file from GitHub Scoopi Releases and extract the zip file to some location.

Download and build the Source

Alternatively, you can download the Scoopi source code zip from GitHub. To build it, extract it somewhere and from the project root folder run

mvn package -DskipTests

Maven compiles the source, downloads the dependencies and package the app as in target folder. Extract target/ to some location.

Quick start

Go to the extracted folder of The directory structure is as below.

├── conf
│   ├──    
│   └── log4j2.xml
├── defs
│   └── examples
│       └── fin
│       └── book    
├── scoopi.bat
└── lib
    └── scoopi-x.x.x.jar
    └── ....

Application jar file scoopi-x.x.x.jar is in lib folder along with other dependencies. The conf folder holds the configuration files and the main configuration file is conf/ By default, following two properties are defined.


The property scoopi.defs.dir points to jsoup/quickstart which is loaded when we run Scoopi. The other property scoopi.datastore.enable is set to false which runs Scoopi without persistence. In a later chapter, we show how to configure datastore and use it to persist Scoopi objects. Till then, set it to false.

Let’s run Scoopi and check the installation.

cd scoopi-x.x.x               // scoopi.bat for windows

It starts ScoopiEngine and loads files defined in defs/examples/fin/jsoup/quickstart folder and outputs data to output/data.txt file.


Now a word about the examples. Scoopi comes with a set of example definition files which are located at defs/examples directory. The examples cover all aspects of definition files in a step-by-step approach.

Examples directory contains three folders - fin, book, quote

The defs/examples/fin folder contains examples which scrapes financial data such as Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Share price etc., of a company from HTML pages located in fin/page folder.

The defs/examples/book folder contains examples which scrapes book details from a Bookstore.

The defs/examples/quote folder contains examples which scrapes quotes by famous personalities from a website which use JavaScript and Ajax to load the pages.

Examples come in two flavors – JSoup which uses Selectors to query data and HtmlUnit which uses XPath as query. This guide focus on JSoup examples, as JSoup is easy to use and light on memory. HtmlUnit examples are same as JSoup ones but uses XPath for queries.

As we progress through the guide, we cover examples one by one. To load and run a particular example, modify the scoopi.defs.dir property in conf/ and point to required example folder.

While running example you can disable persistence by setting scoopi.datastore.enable=false in conf/ file.

In the next chapter, we start with the QuickStart example.