Borg Backup

Aug 27, 2019 . 5 min read

For long, I was looking for an ideal backup setup. Expectations were minimal,

  • periodically backup a set of folders from the main disk to fallback disk.
  • compress backup to save space.
  • retain the earlier backup sets.
  • easy to learn, deploy and maintain.

I tried and dropped many backup solutions because of cumbersome setup and steep learning curve. Finally, I chose Borg Backup and using it for more than a year now; happy with its ease of use and trouble free backups.

This post covers the basics of Borg Backup and the next post, Automate Borg Backup, covers its automation.

Borg Backup

BorgBackup is a de-duplicating backup program which provides an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data de-duplication makes it suitable for daily backups since only changes, similar to Git commits, are stored.

Borg gives you:

Install Borg

In Ubuntu, it is as simple as this

Refer Borg Documentation for other systems.

Borg Basics

Let’s create a Borg Repository and go through the frequently used operations.

Create Repository

Borg repository holds set of Borg backups. To create repository use borg init command.

$ borg init --encryption=none $HOME/borgrepo

It initializes repository in $HOME/borgrepo directory. For sake of simplicity, we are creating repository in home dir, but for production backup we need to create the repository in a file system on fallback disk or on a remote system.

Backup some folders

In Borg, the backup is called as archive. The following command backup the $HOME/Documents folder to a archive named Monday.

$ borg create $HOME/borgrepo::Monday $HOME/Documents

The archive is referred with path/to/repo::archive-name. We can’t create another backup using same name, so to backup Documents folder, say next day, we need to use new archive name.

$ borg create $HOME/borgrepo::Tuesday $HOME/Documents

The first backup is a full backup, and during subsequent backup of same folder Borg de-duplicates data and stores only the changed chunks to save space and backup time.

List Backups

Use borg list command to list all archives in borg repository.

$ borg list $HOME/borgrepo
Monday           Mon, 2019-07-29 10:17:12
Tuesday          Tue, 2019-07-30 10:45:14

Repository Info

We can obtain info about the repository using borg info command. The info borg repository is shown below:

$ borg info /cherry/borgrepo/

Repository ID: 0307c0296168c2e75c357334b8ae
Location: /cherry/borgrepo
Encrypted: No
Cache: /home/m/.cache/borg/0307c0296168c2e75c357334b8ae
Security dir: /home/m/.config/borg/security/0307c0296168c2e75c357334b8ae
                       Original size      Compressed size    Deduplicated size
All archives:               18.55 GB             17.52 GB              1.93 GB

                       Unique chunks         Total chunks
Chunk index:                   27125               353185

It is the info of my backup; the backup size is roughly about 1.6 GB. The repository contains about 18 archive and the total size should have been about 17 GB, but because of de-duplicating the repository size is still 1.93 GB.

Extract Archive

Use extract command to retrieve data from the repository.

$ mkdir tem
$ cd tem         
$ borg extract $HOME/borgrepo::Monday

Extract always writes into the current working directory, so make sure you cd to the right place before calling borg extract!

You can pass –exclude option to exclude specific path or paths. We can also pass specific path to extract as below:

$ cd tem         
$ borg extract $HOME/borgrepo::Monday  **/Documents/somefolder

Prune Repository

Suppose, we have automated the borg for daily backup and after an year repository will have hundreds of archive. It may not take lot of space because of data de-duplication, but we may not require that many of them. For example, we may wish to retain only one backup per week or even less, one for each month. The prune command allows to sparse out the unwanted archives.

$ borg prune -n --list --keep-weekly -1 $HOME/borgrepo
Keeping archive: Tuesday          Fri, 2019-08-02 16:07:28 
Would prune:     Monday           Fri, 2019-08-02 16:07:16 

The command uses -n for dry run and –list shows which archives are pruned or retained. The option –keep-weekly tells borg to retain the last archive in each week. The limit -1 indicates that there is no limit on number of archives to retain. If limit is greater than zero, then that many archive are retained. Say, keep-weekly prunes 25 archives and retains 10; if limit is set to 3, then the latest three, from the retained set of 10, are retained and rest seven are pruned. For actual pruning, remove dry run option -n from the above command.

The frequently used keep options are:

  • –keep-daily DAILY, number of daily archives to keep
  • –keep-weekly WEEKLY, number of weekly archives to keep
  • –keep-monthly MONTHLY, number of monthly archives to keep
  • –keep-yearly YEARLY, number of yearly archives to keep

The prune doesn’t distinguishes between different data set. For example, let’s say we have archives as follows

$ borg create $HOME/borgrepo::Docs-Sunday $HOME/Documents
$ borg create $HOME/borgrepo::Picts-Sunday $HOME/Pictures

$ borg create $HOME/borgrepo::Docs-Monday $HOME/Documents    
$ borg create $HOME/borgrepo::Picts-Monday $HOME/Pictures

Then –keep-weekly prunes the first three and retains only the last archive, and we stands to loose Documents folder backup. We can avoid this by using prefix option -P.

$ borg prune -n --list -P Docs --keep-weekly -1 $HOME/borgrepo
Keeping archive: Docs-Monday            Fri, 2019-08-02 16:48:47 
Would prune:     Docs-Sunday            Fri, 2019-08-02 16:48:32 

The option -P Docs, tells borg to prune only the archives that start with Docs and ignore others.

The next post, Automate Borg Backup, shows how to easily automate multiple backups.